Technical Training School Open House
(First Session of the Year)
This is an opportunity to tour the facilities of the school, observe practical training sessions, and take a look at the works produced by each department.
(Details will be posted on the Hokkaido Prefectural Asahikawa Technical Training School Website).

日時 | 6月22日(土) ① 9:40~12:00、②13:20~15:40 |
会場 |
北海道立旭川高等技術専門学院 旭川市緑が丘東3条2丁目1番1号 |
主催 |
北海道立旭川高等技術専門学院 0166-65-6667 |
申込方法 | 「学院見学会参加申込用書(個人用)」をFAX(0166-65-5565)で送付していただくか、電話でお申し込み下さい。 |
料金 | 無料 |
HP・SNS | https://www.pref.hokkaido.lg.jp/kz/ahs/ |
Date |
June 22 (Sat) |
Time |
① 9:40am to12:00pm |
② 1:20pm to 3:40pm |
Venue |
Hokkaido Prefectural Asahikawa |
Technical Training School |
Midorigaoka Higashi 3-jo 2-chome 1-1, |
Asahikawa |
Organizer |
Hokkaido Prefectural Asahikawa |
Technical Training School |
0166-65-6667 |
Registration |
Please register via phone call, or |
FAX your Open House Individual |
Registration Form to 0166-65-5565. |
Admission |
Free |
Website |