ADW Keynote Speech: Shin-Ichi Fukuoka
As a UNESCO City of Design, Asahikawa draws on the theme of symbiosis between people and nature with the aim of building a joyful, attractive, and sustainable regional community consistent with our philosophy, ‘The Forest of Design’. For this year’s ADW Keynote Speech, biologist and best-selling author Shin-Ichi Fukuoka has been invited to speak about the essence of life, in which the wonders of nature form the roots of our creativity.
福岡伸一氏 略歴
(EXPO 2025)テーマ事業「いのちを知る」プロデューサー。
サントリー学芸賞を受賞し、88万部を超えるベストセラーとなった『生物と無生物のあいだ』(講談社現代新書)、『動的平衡』(木楽舎)など、“生命とは何か”を動的平衡論から問い直した著作を数多く発表。ほかに『世界は分けてもわからない』(講談社現代新書)、『できそこないの男たち』(光文社新書)、『生命の逆襲』(朝日新聞出版)、『せいめいのはなし』(新潮社)、『ナチュラリスト――生命を愛でる人』(新潮社)、『迷走生活の方法』(文藝春秋)、『福岡ハカセの本棚』(メディアファクトリー)、『福岡伸一、西田哲学を読む―生命をめぐる思索の旅 動的平衡と絶対矛盾的自己同一』(明石書店)、『生命海流GALAPAGOS』(朝日出版)など。
対談集に『動的平衡ダイアローグ』(木楽舎)『センス・オブ・ワンダーを探して』(だいわ文庫)、翻訳に『ドリトル先生航海記』(新潮社)『生命に部分はない』(講談社現代新書)『ダーヴィンの「種の起源」 はじめての進化論』(岩波書店)などがある。近刊に『ゆく川の流れは、動的平衡』(朝日新聞出版)、『新ドリトル先生物語 ドリトル先生ガラパゴスを救う』(朝日新聞出版)、坂本龍一氏との共著『音楽と生命』(集英社)など。
また、大のフェルメール好きとしても知られ、世界中に散らばるフェルメールの全作品を巡った旅の紀行『フェルメール 光の王国』(木楽舎)、さらに『フェルメール 隠された次元』(木楽舎)を上梓。最新のデジタル印刷技術によってリ・クリエイト(再創造)したフェルメール全作品を展示する「フェルメール・センター銀座」の監修および、館長もつとめた。
Shin-Ichi Fukuoka – A Brief Introduction
Born in Tokyo in 1959, Shin-Ichi Fukuoka is a biologist who graduated from Kyoto University. Prior to his current appointment as Professor at Aoyama Gakuin University, he served as a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Medical School and took on roles such as associate professor at Kyoto University. He is the producer for the thematic project ‘Quest of Life’ at the World EXPO 2025 to be held in Osaka, Kansai.
He has published numerous works revisiting the question, “What is life?” from a dynamic equilibrium perspective. Most notably, his bestselling book Seibutsu to Museibutsu no Aida [Between the Animate and Inanimate] (Kodansha Ltd.) sold more than 880,000 copies and was awarded The Suntory Prize for Social Science and Humanities. His other works include Doutekiheikou [Dynamic Equilibrium] (Kirakusha, Inc.), Sekai wa Waketemo Wakaranai [The World Cannot be Understood even when Divided] (Kodansha Ltd.), Dekisokonai no Otokotachi [Good-for-nothing Men] (Kobunsha Co., Ltd.), Seimei no Gyakushū [Life Strikes Back] (Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc.), Seimei no Hanashi [Tale of Life] (Shinchosha Publishing Co., Ltd.), Naturalist – Seimei wo Mederu Hito [Naturalist – One who Cherishes Life] (Shinchosha Publishing Co., Ltd.), Meisou Seikatsu no Hōhō [How to Live a Wandering Life] (Bungeishunju Ltd.), Fukuoka Hakase no Hondana [Professor Fukuoka’s Bookshelf] (Media Factory, Inc.), Fukuoka Shinichi, Nishida Tetsugaku wo Yomu: Seimei wo Meguru Shisaku no Tabi – Doutekiheikou to Zettaimujunteki Jikodōitsu [Reading Shin-Ichi Fukuoka and Nishida’s Philosophy: A Journey of Contemplating about Life – Dynamic Equilibrium and Absolute Contradictory Self-Identity] (Akashi Shoten), and Seimei Kairyū GALAPAGOS [Current of Life GALAPAGOS] (Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc.).
Collections of his interviews such as Doutekiheikou Dialogue (Dynamic Equilibrium Dialogue) (Kirakusha, Inc.) and Sense Of Wonder Wo Sagashite (Look for your Sense of Wonder) (Daiwa Bunko), as well as his translation of works such as Dolittle Sensei Kōkaiki [The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle] (Shinchosha Publishing Co., Ltd.), Seimei ni Bubun wa nai [The Human Body Shop: The Engineering and Marketing of Life] (Kodansha Ltd.), and Darwin no ‘Shu no Kigen’ wa Hajimete no Shinkaron [Darwin’s ‘On the Origin of Species’ was the first Theory of Evolution] (Iwanami Shoten, Publishers.) have also been published. His most recent works include Yukukawa no Nagare wa Doutekiheikou [The Flow of a River is a Dynamic Equilibrium] (Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc.), Shin Dolittle Sensei Monogatari: Dolittle Sensei wa Galapagos wo Sukū [New Doctor Dolittle Story: Doctor Dolittle Saves the Galapagos] (Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc.) and his co-authored work with Ryūichi Sakamoto, Ongaku to Seimei [Music and Life] (Shueisha Inc.).
He is also known to be a great fan of Vermeer and authored Ferumēru Hikari no Ōkoku [Vermeer: Realm of Light] (Kirakusha, Inc.), which documents his journey around the world to see all the painter’s works, as well as Ferumēru Kakusareta Jigen [Vermeer: The Hidden Dimension] (Kirakusha, Inc.). Additionally, he served as Supervisor and Director of Vermeer Center Ginza, which displays all of the painter’s works recreated with state-of-the-art digital printing technology.
Please register at the following link.
日時 | 6月18日(火) 18:00~20:00 |
会場 |
旭川市公会堂 旭川市常磐公園内 |
主催 |
あさひかわデザインウィーク実行委員会 0166-74-3355 |
申込方法 |
下記のサイトからお申込み https://adw0618.peatix.com/※ 外部サイトが開きます。 |
料金 | 無料 |
Date | June 18 (Tue) |
Time | 6:00pm to 8:00pm |
Venue | Asahikawa City Koukaidou |
(Located in Tokiwa Park) | |
Organizer | Asahikawa Design Week |
Executive Committee, 0166-74-3355 | |
Registration | Please register via the following link. |
https://adw0618.peatix.com/ | |
※ Redirects to an external site. | |
Admission Fee | Free |