旭川・まちとみらいとデザインと ~藤本壮介とミケーレ・デ・ルッキが語る森と建築
Asahikawa: City, Future, and Design – Sou Fujimoto and Michele De Lucchi Discuss Forests and Architecture
Amidst the excitement of the International Furniture Design Competition Asahikawa (IFDA), Chairperson of the IFDA judging panel Mr. Sou Fujimoto (originally from Higashikaguracho) and maestro of the Italian design industry Mr. Michele De Lucchi will speak on the future of urban environments and design in this public lecture organized by Asahikawa City University, ‘AEL Seminar’. (Mr. Michele De Lucchi will be joining us online.)
Maximum Attendees: 150 people
Register via the following link▼
If you encounter any difficulty filling in the registration form, please contact the Asahikawa City University Community Engagement Research Center Administrative Office.
・Tel: +81 166-48-3121 (Weekdays 8:30am to 5:15pm)
※If you with to sign up via phone, please inform the staff that your call pertains to AEL (the AEL Seminar).
・E-mail: chiken@live.asahikawa-u.ac.jp
日時 | 6月20日(木) 14:40~16:40 |
会場 |
旭川市立大学 短期大学部校舎251教室 旭川市永山3条23丁目 |
主催 |
あさひかわ創造都市推進協議会、旭川家具工業協同組合 |
申込方法 |
下記のサイトからお申込み https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=M9oCF8xwl0u16_7nKRDtyzmIevC0spNCkhEt_NyHJCJUMEo5OVZPNUVFREFLRFhZVzhZRllBSU9aTy4u&origin=QRCode※ 外部サイトが開きます。 |
料金 | 無料 |
Date |
June 20 (Thu) |
Time |
2:40pm to 4:40pm |
Venue |
Asahikawa City University |
Junior College Classroom 251 |
Nagayama 3-jo 23-chome, Asahikawa |
Organizer |
Asahikawa Creative City |
Promotion Council, Asahikawa |
Furniture Industry Cooperative |
Registration |
Please register via the following link. |
※ Redirects to an external site. |
Admission |
Free |