Life with Art at Koryuji.
今年のテーマ「Life with.」から、暮らし・人生に寄り添うお寺での現代アー ト展を企画いたしました。
イタリアで数々の受賞歴・個展歴のあるYUJI SUGIMOTOはその土地の素材と伝統的な左官技術を組み合わせた彫刻を作るアーティストです。多くの作品はイタリアで取り扱われていますが国内で制作された作品を中心に展示いたします。
In line with this year’s theme, ‘Life with’, we are holding a contemporary art exhibition at a temple that has been a part of many locals’ lives.
Yuji Sugimoto, who has won many an award and held numerous solo exhibitions in Italy, is an artist who creates sculptures that combine locally-sourced materials and traditional plasterwork techniques. While many of his works are in Italy, this exhibition will primarily feature works which were created in Japan. We hope you enjoy our collaboration with Koryuji Temple, a 108-year-old piece of wooden architecture.

日時 | 6月16日(日)~6月23日(日) 11:00~16:00 (最終日15:30まで) |
会場 |
興隆寺 旭川市10条通8丁目左10号 |
主催 |
Koryuji Art Lab koryuji.temple.hokkaido@gmail.com |
申込方法 | 申込不要 |
料金 | 無料 |
HP・SNS | https://www.instagram.com/uni.5039?igsh=MWVqaDB6cWswY3V5Ng== |
Date |
June 16 (Sun) to June 23 (Sun) |
Time |
11:00am to 4:00pm |
(Ends at 3.30pm on the last day) |
Venue |
Koryuji Temple |
10-jo-dori 8-chome Hidari 10-go, |
Asahikawa |
Organizer |
Koryuji Art Lab |
koryuji.temple.hokkaido@gmail.com |
Registration |
Not Required |
Admission |
Free |
Social Media |
https://www.instagram.com/uni.5039?igsh=MWVqaDB6cWswY3V5Ng== |